Court Date & Deadline Calculator
The Court Date Calculator is made available to assist in verifying a calculation of the number of court days from a given date.
Conflict Between Parents Isn’t Necessarily Bad for Kids
Previous research has shown that during constructive conflict, the use of support, verbal and physical affection, problem-solving and resolution, for example, elicit positive emotional reactions from children.”
Interspousal Fiduciary Duties
Recently, the California Court of Appeal affirmed its stance that the court will presume that undue influence took place if there is a transmutation of property from community to separate.
Do I have to go to court?
This question has a straightforward answer if you take it at face value.
Realistic Expectations and Divorce
When a relationship ends, how many of us look back and see clearly what we ignored all along?
Thinking about spying on your spouse or the parent of your children? Bad idea.
Contrary to popular belief, spying on someone will not help your divorce or child custody case, and it could get you into a lot of trouble with the law.
Multiple Parents for Children
In California, there is a definite upper limit on how many parents any one child can have.